The sixth week----Warbler

The sixth week----Warbler

The sixth week----Warbler

Have you ever heard the wonderful voice of Warbler?

The melodious warbler is a migratory species. It breeds in Western Europe and North Africa and overwinters in West Africa south of the Sahara Desert. The breeding range extends from the Iberian Peninsula eastwards to Germany and Italy. In northern Africa, it breeds in Western Sahara, Mauritania, Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia. Its typical habitats include bushy woodland, forest edges, thickets, riverside vegetation, orchards, and gardens.

This is a medium-sized warbler, 12 to 13 cm (4.7 to 5.1 in) in length, and similar to its eastern counterpart, the icterine warbler (Hippolais Icterina). The adult has a plain brown back and wings, and yellowish underparts. Compared to the icterine warbler, the upper parts are rather browner and the underparts rather yellower. The bill is strong and pointed and the legs are brown. The sexes are identical, as with most warblers, but young birds are paler on the belly. 

Like most warblers, it is mainly insectivorous but will take other small food items, including berries. Three to five eggs are laid in a nest composed of fine grasses, stems, soft twigs, flakes of bark, and lichen.

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